- Provides more complete picture on relationship between Y and X: it allows us to study the impact of independent variables on different quantiles of the dependent variable. Normal regression is based on mean of Y.
- Robust to outliers in Y observations.
- Estimation and inferences are distribution-free.
* If you haven't installed the estout package yet, run: ssc install grqreg, replace
* If you are not sure, then go to Help -> Stata Command -> type grqreg.
* If says 'Not Found', then you need to install it.
* If you are not sure, then go to Help -> Stata Command -> type grqreg.
* If says 'Not Found', then you need to install it.
* 1. Import the data:
use https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18255955/PhD-INCEIF/QR%20Data_Tutorial.dta, clear
use https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18255955/PhD-INCEIF/QR%20Data_Tutorial.dta, clear
* 2. Specify dependent and independent variables:
global ylist LRY
global xlist LRV INT LRC LVS LGS
* 3. To get summary statistics about the data:
summarize $ylist $xlist
* 4. To run normal regression:
reg $ylist $xlist
* 5. To test heteroscedasticity:
estat hettest $xlist, iid
* 6. To run Quantile regression (50%):
qreg $ylist $xlist, quantile(0.5)
* 7. To plot Quantile regression and Normal regression with confidence intervals:
grqreg, cons ci ols olsci
* 8. To get the results for more than one quantile:
sqreg $ylist $xlist, quantiles(5 10 15 25 40 50 60 75 85 90 95) reps(20)
* 9. To test whether estimates for quantiles are same:
test[q25]INT = [q75]INT
Tips: Tabulation of data for publication
* 1. Install package (only for the first time):
ssc install estout, replace
* 2. Run OLS and store the results in memory:
quietly reg $ylist $xlist
eststo OLS_res
* 3. Run Quantile regression for 0.25 percentile and store the results:
quietly qreg $ylist $xlist, quantile(25)
eststo Q25_res
* 4. Run Quantile regression for 0.50 percentile and store the results:
quietly qreg $ylist $xlist, quantile(50)
eststo Q50_res
* 5. Run Quantile regression for 0.75 percentile and store the results:
quietly qreg $ylist $xlist, quantile(75)
eststo Q75_res
* 6. To tabulate the results:
estout *, cells(b(star fmt(3)) se(par fmt(3))) legend
esttab OLS_res Q25_res Q50_res Q75_res, star(+ 0.1 * 0.05 ** 0.01) mtitle(OLS QR25 QR50 QR75) b(%9.3f) se(%9.3f) bracket nonum compress
esttab OLS_res Q25_res Q50_res Q75_res, star(+ 0.1 * 0.05 ** 0.01) mtitle(OLS QR25 QR50 QR75) b(%9.3f) se(%9.3f) bracket nonum compress